Top 10 Most Insane ‘Click-to-Call’ Stats

Top 10 Most Insane ‘Click-to-Call’ Stats
Categories: ARTICLE

Here at YesTrak we continually discuss the best ways to make sure your phones are answered at all hours of the day because we are well aware of the significance these calls have on your bottom-line. In short, your phones are ringing now more than ever before because of technology known as ‘click-to-call’. This technology allows people to dial your phone number from any device with the simple click of a button

A new report released by The Marchex Institute highlights just how massive click-to-call commerce has become. Here’s a list of the Top 10 Most Insane Stats from the 2015 Click-to-Call Commerce Mobile Performance Report:

  1. In 2015, there will be 93 billion consumer-to-business phone calls made from smartphones. (BIA/Kelsey)

  2. In 2015, Americans will spend more than $1 trillion in click-to-call commerce.

  3. By 2019 the number of consumer-to-business phone calls made from smartphones is expected to grow to 162 billion. (BIA/Kelsey)

  4. By 2019, click-to-call commerce is expected to grow to nearly $2 trillion.

  5. 18% of calls from Search Engines are new customers.

  6. 72% of people calling for Professional Services would be very likely or extremely likely to ‘click-to-call’. (Google)

  7. 5-25% of calls to click-to-call advertisers convert into a sale, appointment, or reservation.

  8. 24% of calls to local businesses resulted in a hang-up, usually due to hold-time or an unanswered call.

  9. Callers are more likely to hang up on a local business than a call center.

  10. On average, appropriate staffing can improve ROI by a minimum of 10%.

After reading these stats, we’re sure you will agree that having your phones answered professionally morning, noon, and night pays huge dividends for your business.

To download the report in entirety, click here


About admin

Co-founder of YesTrak.comFounder of MyDoctorCalls.comAuthor of 'Own the Phone'Since 2008, Spencer has helped thousands of clients generate more revenues as a result of improving the way phones are answered. As co-founder of YesTrak (a revolutionary live agent answering service) and MyDoctorCalls (a cloud-based call tracking and recording system), his products and services have changed the way businesses approach their inbound calls. Spencer is also the author of 'Own the Phone'-- a book that helps healthcare practices turn their phones into growth machines.