How to ‘Get to Yes’ from Stalemate

How to ‘Get to Yes’ from Stalemate
Categories: ARTICLE

A ‘stalemate’ is defined as: (noun) Any position or situation in which no action can be taken or progress made; deadlock.

When a phone call starts to move into stalemate position and you just don’t feel that you can book the appointment or make the sale right then and there… that’s when your phone skills really need to elevate. It is indeed a tough position to be in.

The first thing you need to do is assess the situation and determine if you have done all that you can to convert the call. While it’s not in your nature to give up (at least we hope not), there will be times when it will be the smart thing to do.

However, when we say “give up” we don’t mean give up on securing the deal entirely; we just mean give up on securing the actual appointment or cialis in pakistan price sale on that particular call. It’s not an easy decision to make, but over time you will get good at making these judgments, and the better you become, the higher your conversion percentages with callers will eventually be.

You see, if you take a caller too far in pushing for the conversion, the caller may feel pressured and run for the hills. Or equally as bad, the caller will agree to book an appointment to get off the phone with you and then never show up– which compounds the loss since more of your time is then wasted.

So it’s a very fine line you walk when it comes to how far you can take a call before it’s time to change your desired outcome in order to keep the caller interested in doing business with you, and not lost forever. In other words, you have to know when to move to Plan B!

Plan B is a very simple one: get the caller to say YES to something, anything that moves them closer to using your services. We call this strategy ‘advancing the sale’ and it’s critical your team understands the importance of it in dealing with new prospects.

The key here, though, is that the advancement must include a commitment from the caller that he or she will take action. It cannot be a commitment to “think about it.” That doesn’t count. Instead, it needs to be something that involves the caller diving deeper into your business so he or she can really see the value of what you do.

Here are some indications that you are advancing the sale:

  1. The caller agrees to a follow-up phone call with someone senior in the business who can talk to him or her about their needs and what you do to satisfy them.

  2. The caller agrees to meet face-to-face with someone senior in the business who can dive deeper into what the prospect is looking to achieve.

  3. The caller agrees to read some content or view a video about what you do—all of which would be sent to them via email. A follow-up call date would also be scheduled so that further questions can be answered.

These are just some Plan B actions that are effective, and of course there are many more that will apply to your particular business, but you get the idea here… Advancing the sale is about getting them to say YES to you for something so that they don’t say YES to someone else!

Moving to Plan B with your caller is easy: We like the straightforward approach at all times. For example, here’s how a doctor’s office might advance the sale with a caller that just isn’t ready to book an appointment:

“Mr. Jones, it seems like you are hesitant to book an appointment right now– and we completely understand. Why don’t we try this, which may work better for you. I can arrange a call with the doctor so that he can speak with you directly about your condition and what we can do to help you get better. How does that sound?”

This approach is great for three reasons:

1. It shows you are empathetic to the caller’s indecision.

2. It suggests a new course of action, but leaves open the idea that there are other courses of action if this one doesn’t work.

3. It puts the ball in the caller’s court now, since you have reached the stage where you need to be very aware of the caller’s comfort level.

By advancing the sale in this way, you are one step closer to securing a lifelong customer rather than losing the prospect entirely because of tactics that were just too aggressive.

About admin

Co-founder of YesTrak.comFounder of MyDoctorCalls.comAuthor of 'Own the Phone'Since 2008, Spencer has helped thousands of clients generate more revenues as a result of improving the way phones are answered. As co-founder of YesTrak (a revolutionary live agent answering service) and MyDoctorCalls (a cloud-based call tracking and recording system), his products and services have changed the way businesses approach their inbound calls. Spencer is also the author of 'Own the Phone'-- a book that helps healthcare practices turn their phones into growth machines.