5 Ways to Maximize Calls This Summer

5 Ways to Maximize Calls This Summer
Categories: ARTICLE

Now that Summer is finally here, it’s time to make some subtle changes to the way you’re answering calls so that customers feel your ‘good vibrations’ (while you spend more time with the family at the beach!).

So here’s 5 killer ways to maximize your phone calls and ‘make a splash’ with your customer base this Summer:

  1. Jazz up your phone greeting for immediate WOW Factor. Your phone greeting sets the tone for the rest of the call, so capitalize on the opportunity to differentiate and impress. While you’re probably used to saying something like “ABC Company, Sara speaking…” Instead, try going with “Summer’s here at the ABC Company. My name is Sara, how can I brighten your day?“ Not only does it allow you to stand out from the crowd; but it’s a sure-fire way to put your caller in a great mood right off the bat!
  2. Let callers know about your Summer Promos or Special Offers. With Vitamin D flowing at it’s highest levels, Summer is a great time to entice customers to buy more products and book more appointments with special discounts and offers that aren’t normally available the rest of the year. So don’t forget to let callers know about your promos each time they call your office. It’s as simple as, “Joe, while I have you on the phone, don’t forget we’re running a Summer Special you won’t want to miss. You’ll get two treatments for the price of one. Do you want me to schedule you now before the offer expires?”
  3. Update your callers with your Summer hours. Customers don’t expect you work all Summer long while they are kicking up their heels at the beach… They know you need some down time just like everyone else. So don’t forget to remind them of your Summer hours and/or vacation days while you have them on the phone. “Thanks for your call today Cynthia. And don’t forget Dr. Jones will be out on vacation the week of July 4th and returning to the office on Monday, July 11th. So make sure to schedule your upcoming visits accordingly. I can help you with that now if you’d like?”
  4. Don’t miss opportunities by missing calls. While your Summer hours may be a little shorter, and your vacation time a little longer, don’t expect callers to feel good about being sent to voicemail when you aren’t around. In fact, according to Forbes, 80% will just hang up the minute they hear your voicemail greeting. So instead, sign up for an answering service to handle calls when you can’t get to them. A live voice is always better than a machine, and guarantees you won’t miss a thing while you’re away. Your callers will certainly appreciate the fact you’re paying a service to assist them at all times. NOTE: We’d love to take your calls – simply visit www.YesTrak.com and let us show you how!
  5. Have fun and let the good times roll! School’s out for the Summer, water parks are open and jam packed with kids, and you finally get to work your flip-flops into the rotation! So enjoy it all, and let your callers experience your enthusiasm for Summer’s festivities. They will appreciate your genuine joy for the season, and reward you in kind. Don’t underestimate the power of a smile, and the effect it can have on your bottom-line. Soon enough, the leaves will be falling and you’ll be unpacking coats for the Winter… so don’t squander this great opportunity to spread the love!

Have a great Summer!

About admin

Co-founder of YesTrak.comFounder of MyDoctorCalls.comAuthor of 'Own the Phone'Since 2008, Spencer has helped thousands of clients generate more revenues as a result of improving the way phones are answered. As co-founder of YesTrak (a revolutionary live agent answering service) and MyDoctorCalls (a cloud-based call tracking and recording system), his products and services have changed the way businesses approach their inbound calls. Spencer is also the author of 'Own the Phone'-- a book that helps healthcare practices turn their phones into growth machines.